Source code for memoize.wrapper

[API] Provides an entry point to the library - a wrapper that is used to cache entries.

import asyncio
import datetime
import functools
import logging
from typing import Optional, Callable

from memoize.coerced import _apply_timeout, _call_soon, _timeout_error_type
from memoize.configuration import CacheConfiguration, NotConfiguredCacheCalledException, \
    DefaultInMemoryCacheConfiguration, MutableCacheConfiguration
from memoize.entry import CacheKey, CacheEntry
from memoize.exceptions import CachedMethodFailedException
from memoize.invalidation import InvalidationSupport
from memoize.statuses import UpdateStatuses

[docs]def memoize(method: Optional[Callable] = None, configuration: CacheConfiguration = None, invalidation: InvalidationSupport = None): """Wraps function with memoization. If entry reaches time it should be updated, refresh is performed in background, but current entry is still valid and may be returned. Once expiration time is reached, refresh is blocking and current entry is considered invalid. Note: If wrapped method times out after `method_timeout` (see configuration) the cache will not be populated and a failure occurs. Note: If wrapped method throws an exception the cache will not be populated and failure occurs. Note: Failures are indicated by designated exceptions (not original ones). To force refreshing immediately upon call to a cached method, set 'force_refresh_memoized' keyword flag, so the method will block until it's cache is refreshed. Warning: Leaving default configuration is a bad idea as it may not fit your data (may cause OOMs or cache for an inappropriate time). :param function method: function to be decorated :param CacheConfiguration configuration: cache configuration; default: DefaultInMemoryCacheConfiguration :param InvalidationSupport invalidation: pass created instance of InvalidationSupport to have it configured :raises: CachedMethodFailedException upon call: if cached method timed-out or thrown an exception :raises: NotConfiguredCacheCalledException upon call: if provided configuration is not ready """ if method is None: if configuration is None: configuration = DefaultInMemoryCacheConfiguration() return functools.partial(memoize, configuration=configuration, invalidation=invalidation) if invalidation is not None and not invalidation._initialized() and configuration is not None: invalidation._initialize(, configuration.key_extractor(), method) logger = logging.getLogger('{}@{}'.format(memoize.__name__, method.__name__)) logger.debug('wrapping %s with memoization - configuration: %s', method.__name__, configuration) update_statuses = UpdateStatuses() async def try_release(key: CacheKey, configuration_snapshot: CacheConfiguration) -> bool: if update_statuses.is_being_updated(key): return False try: await configuration_snapshot.eviction_strategy().mark_released(key) logger.debug('Released cache key %s', key) return True except Exception as e: logger.error('Failed to release cache key %s', key, e) return False async def refresh(actual_entry: Optional[CacheEntry], key: CacheKey, value_future_provider: Callable[[], asyncio.Future], configuration_snapshot: CacheConfiguration): if actual_entry is None and update_statuses.is_being_updated(key): logger.debug('As entry expired, waiting for results of concurrent refresh %s', key) entry = await update_statuses.await_updated(key) if entry is None: raise CachedMethodFailedException('Concurrent refresh failed to complete') return entry elif actual_entry is not None and update_statuses.is_being_updated(key): logger.debug('As update point reached but concurrent update already in progress, ' 'relying on concurrent refresh to finish %s', key) return actual_entry elif not update_statuses.is_being_updated(key): update_statuses.mark_being_updated(key) try: value_future = value_future_provider() value = await value_future offered_entry = configuration_snapshot.entry_builder().build(key, value) await, offered_entry) update_statuses.mark_updated(key, offered_entry) logger.debug('Successfully refreshed cache for key %s', key) eviction_strategy = configuration_snapshot.eviction_strategy() eviction_strategy.mark_written(key, offered_entry) to_release = eviction_strategy.next_to_release() if to_release is not None: _call_soon(try_release, to_release, configuration_snapshot) return offered_entry except (asyncio.TimeoutError, _timeout_error_type()) as e: logger.debug('Timeout for %s: %s', key, e) update_statuses.mark_update_aborted(key) raise CachedMethodFailedException('Refresh timed out') except Exception as e: logger.debug('Error while refreshing cache for %s: %s', key, e) update_statuses.mark_update_aborted(key) raise CachedMethodFailedException('Refresh failed to complete', e) @functools.wraps(method) async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not configuration.configured(): raise NotConfiguredCacheCalledException() configuration_snapshot = MutableCacheConfiguration.initialized_with(configuration) force_refresh = kwargs.pop('force_refresh_memoized', False) key = configuration_snapshot.key_extractor().format_key(method, args, kwargs) current_entry = await # type: Optional[CacheEntry] if current_entry is not None: configuration_snapshot.eviction_strategy().mark_read(key) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() def value_future_provider(): return _apply_timeout(configuration_snapshot.method_timeout(), method(*args, **kwargs)) if current_entry is None: logger.debug('Creating (blocking) entry for key %s', key) result = await refresh(current_entry, key, value_future_provider, configuration_snapshot) elif force_refresh: logger.debug('Forced entry update (blocking) for key %s', key) result = await refresh(current_entry, key, value_future_provider, configuration_snapshot) elif current_entry.expires_after <= now: logger.debug('Entry expiration reached - entry update (blocking) for key %s', key) result = await refresh(None, key, value_future_provider, configuration_snapshot) elif current_entry.update_after <= now: logger.debug('Entry update point expired - entry update (async - current entry returned) for key %s', key) _call_soon(refresh, current_entry, key, value_future_provider, configuration_snapshot) result = current_entry else: result = current_entry return result.value return wrapper