Source code for memoize.key

[API] Provides interface (and built-in implementations)
how cache keys are constructed.
This interface is used in cache configuration.

from abc import abstractmethod, ABCMeta

from typing import Tuple, Any, Dict

[docs]class KeyExtractor(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Provides logic of cache key construction. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def format_key(self, method_reference, call_args: Tuple[Any, ...], call_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: """Using wrapped method object, call args and call keyword args, prepare cache entry key.""" raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class EncodedMethodReferenceAndArgsKeyExtractor(KeyExtractor): """Encodes method reference, args & kwargs to string and uses that as cache entry key. This KeyExtractor is object-centric and creates different keys for different objects of the same type (so when you create new objects - for instance after app restart - old entries in external store like Redis will be unreachable)."""
[docs] def format_key(self, method_reference, call_args: Tuple[Any, ...], call_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: return str((method_reference, call_args, call_kwargs,))
[docs]class EncodedMethodNameAndArgsKeyExtractor(KeyExtractor): """Encodes method name, args & kwargs to string and uses that as cache entry key. This KeyExtractor is class-centric and creates same keys for all objects of the same type. Note: If wrapped function is a method (has 'self' as first positional arg) you may want to exclude 'self' from key by setting 'skip_first_arg_as_self' flag. For static methods of ordinary functions flag should be set to 'False'. Warning: uses method name only, so be cautious and do not wrap methods of different classes with the same names while using same store and 'skip_first_arg_as_self' set to False.""" def __init__(self, skip_first_arg_as_self=False) -> None: self._skip_first_arg_as_self = skip_first_arg_as_self
[docs] def format_key(self, method_reference, call_args: Tuple[Any, ...], call_kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: if self._skip_first_arg_as_self: call_args = call_args[1:] return str((method_reference.__name__, call_args, call_kwargs,))
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "{name}[skip_first_arg_as_self={skip_first_arg_as_self}]".format( name=self.__class__, skip_first_arg_as_self=self._skip_first_arg_as_self)